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Filing a Complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center
The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual victim or from a third party to the complainant. We can best process your complaint if
we receive accurate and complete information from you. Therefore, we request you provide the following information when filing a complaint:
Victim's name, address, telephone, and email
Financial transaction information (e.g., account information, transaction date and amount, who received the money)
Subject's name, address, telephone, email, website, and IP address
Specific details on how you were victimized
Email header(s)
Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint
Find the FBI Internet crime complaint form here:
See where actual outages are, how many homes are affected and when the power is estimated to be restored.
The Duke Power Outage website allows you to do the following:
Report an electrical outage
Choose this option to report an electrical outage online or call 800.419.6356.
View current outages
The outages map shows currently reported outages and includes any estimated restoration times.
Get outage alerts
You can be sent alerts via text, phone call or email when your power goes out.
Request a light repair
Let Duke Power know if a streetlight or other outdoor light isn't working properly and they will repair it.
There is a MENU button on the right side of the page that you can click on to see the following options:
- Current Outages
-Outage Alerts
-Restoring Your Power
-Meter Damage
-Report an Outage
The small icon in the upper right corner of the outage map allows you to see the Road View, the Aerial View, or the Birds Eye view.
Clean Jordan Lake (CJL) is a nonprofit community-driven organization committed to removal of trash from the Jordan Lake and prevent its recurrence. It exists to inform, inspire, and coordinate cleanups and raise public awareness of the importance of watershed-wide, good stewardship. In 12 years, 8,600 volunteers have participated in over 650 trash cleanup events, resulting in removal of 19,000 bags of trash and 4,700 tires. It is a smaller non-profit with no paid staff that depends on its board members for advice, direction, and project management.
CLJ is currently seeking several new board members who are willing to devote about 4 hours per month to help them achieve their goals. Small nonprofits like CJL depend on Board members not only for advice but for project management.
Some of its current projects that its board members are involved with include:
Fund raising to buy a pontoon boat for of trash and ferrying volunteers.
Management of existing Google Sheets, Google Data Studio and GIS to keep track of trash cleanup programs.
Management of social media.
Outreach to elected officials and staff in 8 counties of the lake’s watershed.
Please visit their website at to learn more, and see its Regency Park Partnership interview here (embed link to see a comprehensive interview with the founder of Clean Jordan Lake.
Please reply to , President of Clean Jordan Lake, if you are interested in learning more about becoming a board member.
The NC Chinese Lantern Festival is bringing Chinese culture and tradition to our area! This will be a wonderful opportunity for people to appreciate artistic performances and expert craftsmanship through lantern displays that are created specifically for the grounds of Koka Booth Amphitheatre. In addition to the normal closure of the section of Greenway adjacent to the Amphitheatre for the duration of the Festival, the pathway between the trail-head parking lot, the small pond, the small shelter, and an additional section of lakefront will also now be closed. The Town explained that by expanding the Festival footprint to include these additional areas, the guest experience will be improved by adding more displays, spreading out crowds and by creating a full loop using pathways that are accessible to strollers and wheelchairs. There is still a detour around these closures that allows visitors to take advantage of most of the Greenway and lakefront.
The sidewalk between these two greenways at the Shelbourne construction site will remain closed to provide work access for both the developer and for Charter Spectrum Communications. The recent closure is necessary for the installation of new conduits and fiber within the closure area. Please be aware that there also will be open trenches in this area. This connector may reopen by December, dependent on weather conditions and the installation schedule. After the connector has been reopened, it will need to be intermittently closed to complete the remaining site work. The Town asks that you continue to use the alternate accessible pedestrian detour for the interim until this work is completed.
The drainage systems that were installed by the Town several years ago to reduce flooding and ice buildup along this section of the lake greenway are in poor condition and appear to no longer be as effective in reducing flooding as originally intended. The reasons for this include debris, mud and other organic material that have accumulated on the drain gravel, as well as compaction possibly caused by maintenance vehicles. Please continue to exercise extreme caution here, especially during periods of freezing temperatures.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has just announced an annual increase of the toll rates for the Triangle Expressway and the Monroe Expressway, that will take effect on Saturday, January 1, 2022. The North Carolina Turnpike Authority Board adopted schedules of incremental annual toll rate increases for both the Triangle Expressway and Monroe Expressway based on the financing requirements for each project.
For NC Quick Pass customers with a transponder traveling the full length of the Triangle Expressway, the cost will increase 11 cents to $3.71, or approximately three percent. For customers with a transponder traveling the full length of the Monroe Expressway, the cost will increase 6 cents to $2.72, or approximately two percent.
Toll revenue is used to pay off bonds sold to fund the construction of the projects, as well as fund the overall road maintenance including repairs, mowing and winter weather preparation and response.
Drivers can get a free NC Quick Pass transponder that can be used on all toll facilities in North Carolina and saves travelers 35% compared to the bill-by-mail rate.
Prescribed Burn at Hemlock Bluffs Slated for Early 2022
As part of its long-term fire management plan for Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve, the Town of Cary will perform its annual prescribed burn at the bluffs between January and April of 2022, weather and conditions permitting. The NC Forest Service will implement and supervise the burn, which will measure two to five acres, or approximately the size of a football field. While certain sections of select trails will close, the preserve will remain open and visitors are encouraged to enjoy as usual. Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve is a registered State Natural Area, and the Town of Cary is bringing the necessary resources and experts to bear on continuing a prescribed fire management program focusing on fuel reduction and wildfire prevention.