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Expert Answers to Common Homeowner Questions About Professional Services 



Daniel Ouimet of Woodcroft Home Inspections has more than 30 years of experience working in the home building and remodeling industries. Today he tells us about the responsibilities of home inspectors during a residential home inspection.


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Tracy Coats, the President and Founder of The Neuse Termite & Pest Control, entered the pest control industry in 1985. Today he tells us how to protect our homes and businesses from insects, termites, and moisture issues as well.


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Rhonda Goodman.a CPI neighborhood security consultant, is responsible for the installation of more than 2,500 home security systems in our area.  Today she talks to us  about how we can protect our property and loved ones with a home security system.


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Tad Bassett of Triangle Wildlife Removal & Pest Control, Inc., tells us what we should know about wildlife & pest control and how problems can be detected and sometimes prevented.


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Attorney Don Marcari,  who as a young defense attorney with the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps became the basis for the motion picture “A Few Good Men”, explains what we need to know if we have been seriously injured as a result of an accident.


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Jessica Phillips, manager of First Choice Radon Remediation in Wake Forest, is a North Carolina certified radon professional.  Today she tells us what we can do to protect our families from the dangerous effects of this cancer-causing gas.


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Brett Chappell is the owner and vice-president of the Maynor Service Company, a area heating and cooling installation and repair company. Today he tells us some things we should know about our home heating and air conditioning systems.​


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Daniel Ouimet of Woodcroft Home Inspections tells us all about residential home inspections, and what the role of a residential home inspector is.


Why is a home inspection recommended??


A pre-purchase home inspection provides a home buyer with the necessary information needed to make a well-informed decision. Concerns discovered during a home inspection are often used to negotiate the terms of the sale and can also help with budgeting for future repairs and maintenance.


Do newly built homes need to be inspected?


Yes! The construction of a new home has a lot of moving parts and it is not uncommon for things to be missed or overlooked in the process. Finding concerns during a home inspection allows the builder to make repairs before the closing. An inspection at each stage of the construction process such as a pre-drywall framing inspection, a final construction inspection, and a 1-year warranty provides peace of mind.


How do I choose the right inspector for me?


Hiring an inspector with years of experience is a good place to start, but you may also want to consider an inspector that has completed training and certification programs that go beyond the minimum requirements of the Standard of Practice (SOP) required by the state of North Carolina. Advanced training and certifications provide inspectors with additional knowledge as building practices and products change over time.


What is included in a home inspection?


A general home inspection most major systems and components are inspected. In North Carolina, home inspectors are required to inspect homes using the Standards of Practice (SOP) provided by the NC Home inspectors Licensure Board (NCHILB). The SOP states what systems and components are required to be inspected and those that are not. In general, a home inspection provides an understanding of the property's conditions at the time of inspection, but it ultimately depends on the kind of inspection being conducted.


For more information, see the NCHILB SOP: (Note: the scope of inspections appears on page 19)


How long does a typical inspection take and should I attend the inspection?


​The time it takes to complete a general home inspection varies depending on the size and age of the home. For example, the inspection of a newly-built 2,000 square foot home may take about 3 hours whereas the same size home built 30 years ago may take 4-5 hours. The length of the inspection ultimately varies if the inspector exceeds the minimum requirements of the SOP.


Attending the inspection is recommended but not required. Often, inspectors will do a summary at the end of the inspection to review with buyers what was discovered during the inspection.


What does a home inspection cost?


Inspection fees are based on the size and age of the home. Some inspectors exceed the minimum requirements of the SOP and may charge more than others. It is common for inspectors to list prices on their website, but is recommend that you call to get an accurate quote for the type of inspection(s) you request.


What is an inspection contract agreement and do I need one?


An inspection contract agreement defines what services will be provided during the inspection, including costs, and states that the inspection performed is in accordance with the Standards of Practice of the North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board. A pre-purchase home inspection in North Carolina cannot be performed without a signed contract.


Should I have my home inspected before I sell or at any other time?


A home inspection prior to putting the home on the market can allow the seller to address concerns before they are discovered by the buyer's inspector, which can make a home more appealing to prospective buyers.


Maintenance home inspections help owners to locate issues in the home before they escalate into larger problems. Examples include a leaking water heater, crawl space moisture damage, roof leaks, unsafe deck, roof drainage and water management issues, etc.


What should I expect to see in the inspection report?


Home inspectors are required to provide clients with a written report that describes concerns noted during the inspection, where the concerns are located, why something is a concern, and who to contact for evaluation and repair. Some inspectors exceed the minimum requirements and may add additional information that may be helpful for the buyer to know.


Will the seller (or home builder) fix every concern listed in the report?


Probably not, but the information included in the inspection report is something the buyer's agent can negotiate with the sellers and their agent. Some concerns in the home may require repair, replacement, or further evaluation. Additionally, some home inspectors may include minor or less significant concerns in the report to provide the buyer with a fuller picture of the condition of the home.


Does a home inspection include a radon test?


Radon testing is beyond the scope of a general home inspection. All homes have some level of radon and it is important to know if a home needs mitigation or not. Some home inspectors such as myself are certified radon test providers. For more information, see the Environmental Protection Agency's website:


Do home inspectors look for mold?


While determining the presence of fungal growth (such as mold) is beyond the scope of the North Carolina SOP, home inspectors may note the presence of staining that could be a form of fungal growth and recommend further evaluation by an industrial hygienist or qualified contractor.



If you have any questions, you may call Woodcroft Home Inspections at 919-717-3498, email them at , or visit its website at


The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide. The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer. You should always contact two or more providers of these goods or services before choosing one.






Tracy Coats, of Neuse Termite and Pest Control, tells us how to protect our homes and businesses from insects,  termites, and moisture issues.


What is the definition of pest control?​


Pest control is defined as the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, a member of the animal kingdom that impacts adversely on human activities. On the surface, that definition is correct! However, homeowner definition of pest control next to an industry professional’s can be quite different. To a customer, for example, pests can be spiders, ants, silverfish, squirrels, opossums, and racoons! But for most pest control businesses, services do not extend outside of the insect family. 


How is pest control performed?​


Most businesses will begin with an “initial visit.” They will get to know your home, view the conditions that surround your property and locate potential entry points for various species of insects. Searching for the root of a homeowner problem is more important than applying a band-aid to any pest situation. After the initial visit it is common to set a schedule to visit multiple times each year. Why is this important? Pest management is extremely seasonal, and species that invade in the Spring will not be the same pest that finds its way inside as the temperature begins to drop. In a state like North Carolina where we truly have four seasons, consistent visits are key to prevention. 


What can I do to ward off pests myself?​


Although many insects can be persistent, the best thing a homeowner can do is to eliminate “good conditions” where pests thrive. This will vary by insect, but a few constants are to have shrubs trimmed back from the home, keep an eye on any leaning trees or branches (ants love this), and divert moisture or standing water away from your house. Also, keep tiny holes plugged in the kitchen and bathroom areas, such as where caulk and grout will dissipate over time. 


How are termites different from other pests?​


While termites can certainly fall under the “pest” category, they are much more than irritating critters. Due to the treatment required and risk that they pose to both residential and commercial structures, termite control has its own separate category of services and field of study throughout North Carolina. If an infestation becomes too severe over time, it can threaten the structural integrity of a building. Local institutions such as North Carolina State University devote considerable research monitoring termite activity in our state, and termite treatments involve vastly different training, products, and execution than a pest control service. 


When should I be concerned about termites? 


The old quote “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” could not ring more true here. Termites have been alive since the age of dinosaurs and require the cellulose in wood to eat. The survival of the colony is of paramount importance to them - meaning their food search does not halt once they find a source of wood in the ground or from fallen trees. Persistence is a strong quality in them which is why North Carolina homes often fall prey to their hunger.​


What does termite protection typically include?​


Termite control will function very similar to an insurance policy, and getting started will differ depending on the age and construction of your home. Overall, a company will first schedule a visit and inspect the home for any signs of termite activity. If no current activity is found, then a termite treatment will likely be scheduled before your home can be put under coverage.​


Coverage itself can vary, so be sure to ask plenty of questions! Some policies cover damage incurred while under coverage as well as a re-treatment guarantee - while others do not cover damages to the structure. The annual renewal fee for the inspection will also differ from company to company. Like any policy, it is important to stay informed what protection level you may have.​


Why do many pest companies also offer moisture control services?  


Moisture control is both a general extension of home protection and an excellent tool for termite prevention. In fact, since subterranean termites live in the soil and require a moist environment, excess moisture levels underneath a home make it easier for subterranean termites to invade. Many termite inspectors will also perform a wood moisture test underneath a structure during an inspection. 


Other risk factors for elevated moisture levels include moisture damage to the home’s flooring system, poor air quality from increased mildew, fungus and allergens in the home, and risk of floors buckling or warping



If you have any questions, you may call Neuse Termite and Pest Control them at 919-553-9888, or email them at



The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide.  The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer.  You should always contact two or more providers of these  goods or services before choosing one.




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Rhonda Goodman is a CPI neighborhood security consultant and has been responsible for the installation of more than 2,500 home security systems in our area.  Today she talks to us  about how we can protect our property and loved ones and all about the basics of a home security system.


What is the difference between a wired and a wireless system?


Most home security companies offer both wireless and wired systems. Wireless devices communicate with the home control panel without the need for wires and of course the remote devices in a wired system are each wired to the same control panel. Normally would need a home with a crawl space in order to have a wired system.​


Which do you see more of?​


We are doing more of the wireless systems. They are easier to install and of course the various security devices can be later easily relocated by an authorized technician if the need ever arises. But a wire-less system does require the homeowner to change the batteries when they get low and also as part of a preventative maintenance program.​


So are we saying that wired system do not have batteries?​


Yes, remote devices for a wired system also have back up batteries. The difference is that while the batteries for wireless devices are the only power source, the batteries in a wired system provide backup power in a power failure.    These batteries will re-charge themselves once the power comes back on.  

How do the basic system devices work?​


All of the devices send an alarm issue signal to both you and to a remote monitoring center. The major difference is that you would hear the alarm first if you were home which gives you an opportunity to cancel the alarm before the monitoring stations receive it.

What are the more basic or common components and how do you use them?​


These would be the door, windows, glass break, and motion detectors.​


You mentioned motion detectors, but won’t these set off an alarm if we are at home and moving around the house?​

There is a way to make your alarm system active when you are in the house so that all devices except the motion detector are active and another way to set the all the devices when everyone will be way. This is easily controlled by using a different code at your control panel.


What about monitoring and how does this work?


Remote monitoring stations are manned by trained technicians and usually operate 24/7. There are usually several monitoring stations that cover a specific area in case of a power outage or any other major problem at one monitoring station. If the monitoring station receives an alarm from your location, it will automatically notify you, the authorities, and anyone else that you specify.


What will a system actually cost me? 


The cost for labor and materials will vary depending on the type and number of devises that are necessary to protect your home. Many companies may offer special promotions and discounts as incentives for the installation of basic system components. Many companies also offer a free no-obligation security survey conducted by a trained professional to determine what your need actually is and what the cost would be. And the time required to install a home system is approximately 3 to 4 hours.​


What about the remote monitoring, what will this cost?​


This varies by the company and may also depend on if you add other types of devices that require monitoring such as smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide detectors. But the monthly cost for a basic system might run from about $30 to $40 per month.​


Is a home security system all I need to protect my home and family? 


There are certainly other things a homeowner should do even if they have a security system, such as fire escape ladders. Clearly marked and visible house numbers, fire escape routes and plans, and a way for authorities to get into your home in case of a fire or medical emergency. ​


What further enhancements are generally offer by home security companies?​


Remote door locks, exterior & interior cameras, programmable thermostats, garage controllers are among the many additional equipment options that can be added to a home security system. 


Is there anything else you want to tell us?    


Yes - many insurance companies offer an annual homeowner’s policy discount for having a monitored alarm system. This will vary by the insurance company and the type of policy. ​


This home security Q&A is courtesy of CPI Security


If you have any questions, call Rhonda Goodman at 919-669-3928, or email her at



The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide.  The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer.  You should always contact two or more providers of these  goods or services before choosing one.



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Attorney Don Marcari,  who as a young defense attorney with the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps became the basis for the motion picture “A Few Good Men”, explains what we need to know if we have been seriously injured as a result of an accident.


Can you please start with a few basics like the pros and cons of releasing any information to an insurance company?​


The answer is simple:  It is usually never a good idea to discuss an accident or your injuries with an insurance company adjuster or give them information. Adjusters work for the insurance company and have the company’s best interest in mind. They may say they want to help you, but their goal, and their company’s goal, is to simply pay out the least amount of money possible.  I cannot begin to stress enough how important this is no matter how friendly they may seem to be.​


It appears that you should seek legal representation versus negotiating with an insurance company yourself. Why is that?​


You are at a disadvantage from the very beginning if you try to settle on your own. While I wish this were not the case, you need to keep in mind that the insurance company always has an experienced team of lawyers looking out for their best interest. You need to have your own experienced legal team as well. Look at it this way - You may only be in 1 or 2 accidents in your lifetime. On the other hand, a lawyer that has experience in these matters may have successfully negotiated thousands of personal injury claims. And studies consistently show that accident victims that hire a lawyer get 3 to 4 times more money than those who do not.​


You said that the goal of insurance companies is to pay out the least amount of money possible. Why is that? Why can’t they just be fair to all those with valid claims?​


The answer here is relatively obviously if we stop and think about it. They need to make a profit year in and year out.​


What if you have medical insurance that pays for treating your injuries?

We understand that the medical insurer has the right to get reimbursed for the amount that they paid to treat your injuries out of any settlement you may receive. But these expenses can be substantial. If you have an attorney to handle your claim, do they also help negotiate what your medical insurer actually gets paid back? 


This is an excellent question as many people do not realize that in many cases your medical insurer will get reimbursed out of any settlement you may receive. And yes, your attorney will discuss the facts of your case with the carrier and things like the likelihood of recovery, the costs and uncertainty of a trial and the law that can limit their recovery.   In many cases your attorney can reduce what you actually pay back and in some cases this can be substantial.


This is good to know because someone who negotiates on their own will most likely end up paying back the full cost of treatment. Another question we often hear about is “what is my case worth” which we believe has a lot to do with how much an insurer might offer to settle your claim based on its severity. Can you explain to us how this is calculated?​


Unfortunately, there is no book or formula to go by. You’re entitled to be compensated for your medical bills that are reasonably and necessarily incurred, for your lost wages, lost earning capacity, physical pain, emotional suffering, and diminished quality of life. Some of these factors such a medical bills and lost wages might be easier to calculate, but the others will almost always necessitate the services of an attorney that has done these things many times before.​


Do health service providers have an automatic lien on any award for the value of the services they provided and therefore have a right to get reimbursed from any award?​


This is a very complicated area of the law. Some have a lien that must be paid (An example would be to Medicare), some have a limited lien if they follow the law, some only have limited subrogation rights. An experienced attorney can explain the differences and assist you.


If you have any questions, you may call Marcari, Russotto, Spencer and Balaban  at 855) 435-7247.  


​ The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide.  The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer.  You should always contact two or more providers of these  goods or services before choosing one.







Tad Bassett of Triangle Wildlife Removal & Pest Control, Inc., tells us what we should know about wildlife & pest control and how problems can be detected and sometimes prevented.


What types of pests are common in our area?​


The most common ones are squirrels, bats, birds, opossums, raccoons, flying squirrels, mice, rats, and snakes. Some insects can also be a problem as well including bald face hornets, European hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps. 


Can you break these down a bit by season?​


Most of these animals are dealt with on a seasonal basis, not all year long.  For example it is too hot in houses for flying squirrels in summer; they are wintertime invaders instead.  Snake issues are more common in the spring and summer and the same with wasps and hornets.  Gray squirrels are both spring and fall issues because they have two litters a year and raccoons and opossums are also spring and summer issues because of their birthing seasons with steady intrusions all year long. ​


When do these pests present the most property damage potential for homeowners?​


Most of the potential for these issues is in the spring due to birthing seasons.  Gray squirrels generally start in late January and February then in again in July and August.  This is when they typically enter attics.  Raccoons and possums are entering attics and crawlspaces for the same reason but normally only have one litter per year.  European starlings (invasive birds) typically get in attics, dryer vents, and bathroom vents during the spring while stinging insects are more prevalent in summer after their nests have enlarged.  Snakes are more prevalent in the summer months but have some activity in spring and fall.​


We know that bats are a big issue here and that there are some restrictions on their removal. What can you tell us about this? 


Bats are a frequent complaint in spring, summer and fall.  However there is a state blackout period during the months of May, June, and July where they cannot be removed due to birthing season.  As you can imagine, August and September are very busy with the exclusions where people have been waiting for 3 months for the removal.​


Why is there a blackout period for bat removal? 


The blackout period for bats is for several reasons. The main one is that premature removal will result in the death of the juvenile bats since they can’t fly. The other reason is that if the juveniles can’t fly out of their roosts, they may wind up in the house’s living quarters. This could mean post exposure rabies shots which may cost as much as $10,000.00 per person. Also, juveniles may end up dying in the attic or walls and create foul odors and require reconstruction to remedy the situation.​


What steps might homeowners take to reduce the risk of having property damage?


For starters it is difficult to anticipate where animals may try to enter structures during their active months.  One way to reduce this risk is to make sure trees and shrubs are not touching exterior walls or roofs.  Also make sure visible rot or openings in structures is attended to promptly.  Foundation vents, a/c lines and crawlspace entrances are also entry points for some pests.  For roofs this would include gable vents, soffit vents and returns. Also be aware of the condition of frieze boards, ridge vents and gutter lines along the fascia boards.​


Any other advice for reducing these risks?​


Homeowners should tend to their landscaping needs and keep things well-manicured and remember that things like brush piles and firewood will attract certain animals which in turn can become a food source for other animals.  Do not store things like bird seed in basements or crawlspaces, as this is an open invitation for pests to invade your home.​


Are there any early signs that there may already be a problem?​


Homeowners should routinely look for droppings and food caches in attics, crawlspaces, and other storage areas.   Also be aware of any dead animal odors, and abnormal noises such as the sounds of running, scratching, shuffling which you need to listen for carefully.  â€‹

​What are some things we might look for outside of the house?​


Routinely check for signs of animal activity on roofs, droppings on outside walls, and even small piles of acorns.   Look for bat droppings under gable vents, bird droppings on exterior walls around bathroom and stove vents, and any gnawed or torn areas along shingles and rooflines.  


What types of damage what do you commonly see in our area?​


Most of the damage we see is along roofs and gutters.  Animals may enter where there is already a compromised area.   Torn foundation vents, openings around HVAC units (favorite for opossums), builder gaps (under shingles at roofline), soffit return gaps and ridge vents are common entry points.  Pests are opportunistic and will exploit weak or rotten areas.  There is also damage from nesting and droppings in attics.  Insulation sometimes will need to be replaced.  â€‹


Why should a homeowner not attempt to deal with a pest that has gotten into their home or other structures by themselves? ​


While some animals can be handled simply by "scare tactics" such as loud noise, holographic devices, and bird bangers. Habitat modification can take care of many problems (fixing rotten areas, general maintenance, and upkeep). However most of the time these pests have to be removed by trapping or exclusion.​


And there are several reasons why a homeowner may need to call a professional.  The diseases associated with wildlife can be deadly.  Rabies, histoplasmosis, and roundworm are most serious with bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and feral cats.  Histoplasmosis is associated with bird and bat droppings and can actually affect the lungs when these are present. Roundworm is a deadly virus generally found in raccoon feces. ​


Clean up should be done with extreme caution and is best performed by a trained professional to reduce rather than spread contamination.​


In addition to disease and contamination, what else should homeowners be made aware of?


Injuries can be a big factor when dealing with pests yourself, especially for pests in your attic and ladder related injuries are very common. Animal bites are also common, along with injuries from stinging insects. ​


What about legal restrictions that a homeowner should be aware of?​


Most homeowners may not know that while you do not need a permit to trap an animal on your property, you do need a permit from the NC Wildlife Resources Commission to remove a trapped animal from your property and a valid permit is necessary for any type of transfer.  ​


What training and certifications are professional wildlife removal experts require to have?​


Animal damage control agents in North Carolina are required to be licensed by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. And renewal is every three years.  Any type of structural pest control and traditional pest control also requires a structural pest control license with a minimum of $100,000.00 liability insurance.  However liability insurance is not required for ADC agents.​


What proofs of insurance should a homeowner ask for?​


You do need to inquire about the agent’s insurance and if they do not have insurance, you do not want them doing work on your property.  A general liability policy, worker's comp policy and auto liability policy should be in effect and a good rule of thumb would be $3,000,000.00 General Liability, $1,000,000.00 worker's comp, and $1,000,000.00 auto policy coverages. This will insure that you will not be liable for any accidents or damage that occurs on your property if the hired professional has a mishap.​


Can you describe some of the more common wildlife removals that you might be involved with?


​There are a lot of issues with gray squirrels as they have litters in the spring and fall.  The only time squirrels are not removed is during the month of June and part of July. The other animals are seasonal with bats in the spring, summer and fall, birds in spring and summer and flying squirrels during the colder months.  Opossums from crawlspaces are removed year round, raccoons are removed in the spring and summer, and mice and rats are removed all year long. ​


Can you tell us what the removal of some of these pests involves?​


This depends on the type of animal. Most mammals except for bats are trapped.  Typically a trap is placed over the entrance and when an animal enters or exits the structure it is caught in this manner.


Bats are what we call “excluded” from a home.  A one-way door is set over the main entrance and after a bat exits to feed in the evening hours, it is later unable to re-enter the structure.  This is prohibited during the months of May, June, and July because of the maternal colonies because a one-way door then will ensure the death of the juveniles, and this will create other serious problems for the homeowner as we previously discussed.


Birds are typically removed by hand, and this commonly includes European Starlings in bathroom and dryer vents.  Simple removal by hand or flushing them from the area and sealing the entrance is the normal practice.​


What happens to the wildlife that you remove?​


Well most wildlife that needs to be physically removed is typically relocated many miles from where it was trapped except for the “rabies vectors” we also earlier talked about and these need to be euthanized under current regulation.  The typical animals that are trapped and removed are squirrels, flying squirrels, opossums, groundhogs, and raccoons, with snakes and other reptiles and amphibians generally removed by hand. ​


Do you ever leave live traps?  â€‹


Live traps are actually the "go to" method for removal, and this may involve setting a live trap over the entrance or exit hole. Setting live traps gives some latitude on removal but these traps still need to be checked every 24 hours. If a nursing female is caught, then there are a couple of options that are available.  One is to just remove it from the trap, let it raise the young and then remove all of them later.

But if a lethal trap is set for an animal, you have no choice but to try to locate and remove juveniles if there are any.  Sometimes this process may involve can require extensive work and repairs.​


What kind of repairs are we talking about?​


The type of work that may be required for exclusion may include but not be limited to repair or replacement of ridge vents, drip edge, soffits, fascia boards, gutter line sealing, gable vents, insulation and sheetrock, rot, foundation vents, vapor barriers, trim, dormers and any other areas where an animal may enter, exit, or live in a structure.​


Will homeowner’s insurance cover the cost of repairs?  â€‹


We have noticed that homeowner's insurance is getting more stringent on claims.  Most insurance companies will not pay for any type of rodent (vermin) removal or repairs.  They will sometimes pay for raccoon and bat removal and/or mitigation since these are rabies vectors and certain hazards can be attributed to the removal and cleanup of these species. It might not be a bad idea to check with your insurance company to see what they might cover before you actually experience a problem.​


Are there some things that are done after wildlife removal to help minimize the risk that the same problems to not occur again?  â€‹


Typically there would be an inspection of the entire structure to identify any other active entrances and potential entry points.  There might be a plan to fix other possible entry points.  It is up to the homeowner if they want other areas sealed for minimal exposure.  


If you have any questions, you may call Triangle Wildlife Removal & Pest Control at 919 661-0722, or email them through their website at  



​The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide.  The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer.  You should always contact two or more providers of these  goods or services before choosing one.





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Jessica Phillips, manager of First Choice Radon Remediation, tells us what we can do to protect our families
from the dangerous effects of this cancer-causing gas. 


​What is radon gas?​


Radon is a naturally-occurring, radioactive soil gas that comes from decaying uranium deposits in rocks. It travels through fractures and pores underground and enters houses through even the tiniest openings. Houses are pressurized and typically exert a vacuum on the soil around and under them, pulling soil gases like radon up through the foundation. Houses with basements are most susceptible to elevated levels of radon because more of the below-grade living space is surrounded by soil. While less common, there can also be high levels in homes with slab or crawlspace foundations in some parts of the Triangle area.​


Why haven't I heard very much about it?​


This is a topic that typically arises when buying or selling a home, but does not garner much media attention. Buyers often choose to conduct a radon test at the home they're purchasing to verify whether the home has acceptable levels. If the levels are found to be too high, the recommendation is to install a radon mitigation system to permanently reduce the radon levels in the home. But as people become increasingly concerned with indoor air quality, awareness and testing for radon and its level have become more widespread in recent years.​


Why should I be concerned about radon?​


The primary health risk from radon exposure is lung cancer; and the EPA says that exposure to high-levels of radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Overall, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year.  While exposure is not completely avoidable because radon is always present outdoors in low concentrations, the goal is to minimize exposure as much as possible. Smokers or former smokers are at a much higher risk of developing lung cancer from radon exposure than people who have never smoked.​


What can I do to find out if I have radon in my home and if the level may be harmful to my family?​


There are several different testing methods to choose from. One is a digital test that uses a continuous radon monitor that a testing company can place in a house and runs for a minimum of 48 hours. During this testing period, "closed-house conditions" must be maintained. Entry and exit is allowed and expected, but doors/windows should otherwise be kept closed and no painting or other construction work should take place in the home. During this short-term test, the house is kept as closed as reasonably possible to try to create a worst-case scenario. The monitors have sensors that can determine if atmospheric changes occur such as keeping windows open during the testing. After the 48-hour testing period, results are available immediately.​ If any tampering is suspected, the test will be performed again.


You said that this type of test is a worst-case scenario. Is there a different type of test that might give me a better idea of the average radon level in my home?​


Another option is to purchase a long-term radon test kit with a canister online, and place the canister in the home for 3-12 months. Because of the extended duration of this test, it takes into account seasonal and weather fluctuations and may give the most accurate measurement of your home’s actual level of exposure based on your particular living conditions.


However long-term radon tests aren't usually an option during real estate transactions due to the minimum exposure time of 3 months, but they are the most accurate representation of your health risks. Radon levels can also fluctuate short and long term based on a wide variety of variables such as weather/rain, how often the HVAC system operates, sub-surface geological changes, etc.​


What do I do if I have a test performed and the results indicate that the radon gas level or reading in my home is too high?


There are several companies in the area certified to install radon mitigation systems, which can often be installed in one day. These systems typically utilize PVC pipe with collection holes that are attached to a fan. This will pull air out from underneath the foundation and vent it outdoors using a the continuously-running fan, rather than allow the radon to flow up through the foundation and into the home. Thus, the fan's vacuum creates a new path of least resistance to encourage radon and other soil gases to flow outdoors instead of indoors. These systems are a permanent installation and should keep the radon levels consistently low as long as the fan continues to operate.​


Where can I find out more before I make a decision?​


There are many excellent resources available on the Internet, including descriptions of the different types of mitigation systems. The EPA is a main hub for national radon information at . And health risk estimates are on the EPA's website at and are based on a lifetime of exposure. You also may want to know that there are no federal or state mandates for testing in any state, but the EPA recommends that every home, school, and building be tested.


If If you have any questions, you may call First Choice Radon Remediation at 984-867-2366, email them at , or visit its website at



​The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide.  The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer.  You should always contact two or more providers of these  goods or services before choosing one.





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Brett Chappell, vice-president and owner of the Maynor Service Company, gives us some advice on our heating and air conditioning systems and how to maintain them. ​​


Brett, can we start with a short explanation of cooling and heating systems that are common in our area​?​


Of course, air conditioners are used for cooling only. They may be matched with multiple types of Heat producing units for a complete system. A heat pump  is used for both cooling and heating.


Gas furnaces are used for heating only. They are typically matched with an A/C and cooling coil for a complete system. Gas furnaces here use natural gas but can also be converted to use propane instead with a field installed conversion kit. Gas furnaces may also be matched with a heat pump to form a “Hybrid” system that give you the best of heat pump and gas.


What about indoor humidity levels?  We often read that this is important for comfort as well as good health.


Yes, maintaining the proper indoor level is very important all year round.  In the winter months, when our systems are on heat,  your indoor humidity many often be too low.  If this is the case, you will want to increase the humidity level not only for health and comfort, but also for the protection of furniture and certain other critical wood-based products.  Otherwise the adhesives and glues that are sometimes used may dry out and components may separate.


In the summer or cooling season, the indoor humidity is generally controlled by the functioning of the air conditioning (cooling) system. Air conditioners lower the humidity through the normal refrigerated cooling process.  But higher humidity climates may also require the use of whole house dehumidifiers that are connected to the A/C system to maintain optimal humidity.


What about homes that use a gas furnace for heat in the winter?  What can we do to regulate the indoor humidity?


Contrary to belief, Gas furnaces used for heating homes does NOT dry out the air.


Indoor humidity is most often lowered due to infiltration of very dry outdoor air. As this air mixes with the indoor air it lowers the humidity. Measures to slow the infiltration of dry air can vary. Examples are adding storm doors or windows, replacing old windows or weatherstripping, leaking duct work etc.  Adding a humidifier can remedy the problem buy it does not solve the bigger issue.


Can you briefly tell us why a service agreement and routine maintenance are important?


Round the year routine maintenance and cleaning of your heating and air conditioning systems is vital if you want to increase the life of these components and save yourself expensive repair and replacements bills.  Indoor health and comfort are also important and improperly operating equipment can also increase utility bills. 


Routine heating and air conditioning service is much the same as the routine services that you have performed on your automobiles –  things like replacing oil and oil filters, tires and fluids on a regular basis are necessary to protect your investment and keep your vehicle operating and running efficiently.


Can you give us just a few examples of how routine seasonal service visits can save you big headaches and big $$$ in the long run?


Some homeowners may be surprised to learn that routine maintenance by a qualified HVAC servicer is NOW required by equipment manufacturers in order to maintain their warranty. Without proof of routine maintenance, warranty claims can be denied forcing repair cost down to the homeowner.


Now, let’s compare your automobile to your HVAC system. Everyone knows the value of keeping your car maintenance up to date. Moreover, everyone knows the high liability and cost if the car is not maintained. No difference with your A/C. Let’s compare a few items:


The average cars operates at approximately 375 hours per year (equates to 15,000 miles) and during this time we would have maintenance done 2-3 times depending on the vehicle.  Now the average run time of a heat pump for 1 year is around 2100 hours!!!!  Would you not agree that 2 maintenance visits per year would be beneficial? Of course!


So, what might happen if I don’t have regular maintenance 2 times per year? 


Well, run time will increases due to poor air flow (dirty air filter) and low heat transfer (dirty coil).  These things will lower system efficiency, increases cost per hour of run time, and shortens equipment life span. The cost of regular maintenance is pennies on the dollar compared with not having  maintenance performed 2 times.


Are there any obvious trouble signs, other than an outright and complete system failure that a homeowner can look out for and that may require a call to schedule an interim service visit?


This can be bit tricky. For heat pumps, make sure the outdoor unit is operating along and in tandem with the indoor unit.  And of course, keep all your air filters clear and always keep debris off the fan outlet of the outdoor unit.


For Gas Heat systems. Listen for any delay in ignition or small booms with ignition.  And always have a battery operated Carbon Monoxide detector on each floor there is a gas furnace (LP Gas or Natural gas).


In addition to changing air filters on a regular schedule, are there any things that a homeowner can easily do themselves to help extend the life of their systems?


The really biggest and most important thing would be to invest in a maintenance agreement with a company that has a dedicated trainer that keeps the technicians up to date and current on required maintenance for all system types and brands.


Many of us have heard about backup outlet drain for condensation, and some of us may not even know we have one of these.  What can you tell us?


The purpose of a backup drain is to help prevent system and property damage in case the primary drain should become clogged up.  . Often this outlet drain will be is piped over a 2nd story window.   In a routine preventative service visit, the technician will check both the primary and backup drains.


I know that the life of our major heating and air conditioning systems may widely vary and are dependent on a wide range of conditions, but generally speaking, how long can i expect my various major components and equipment to last if I have routine maintenance performed on them?


Yes, there is no way to accurately predict how long a specific system will continue to operate, but the average life of a properly maintained heat pump system might be 15 years, 18 years for an A/C  system, and 10-15 years for a properly maintained gas fired furnace.


We all should know by now that co2 (carbon monoxide) detectors are important and have heard or read of the unspeakable things that can happen when these are not installed or working correctly.  But what is your take here?


Building codes now require that these be installed when new gas furnaces are installed on each floor of the home.  If you have an older home with a gas furnace that does not have them, it is important that you at the very least get one or more of more of the type that plug into an electric outlet and also has backup batteries.


How often should my air filters be changed?


It is generally suggested that all filters be changed every 30 days except during the months that you may not be using one of your systems.  And please avoid those ads for those disposable filters that make big promises. These filters are usually highly restrictive and will lower your system efficiency while driving up your operating costs.


Is a “bigger” A/C system better?


My simple answers here are No, no no AND NO.  The size and tonnage of the A/C system that is the correct one for your actual home must be carefully calculated.  Therefore there is no general answer or rules of thumb for this.  Beware of anyone who might try to sell you a bigger system that you already have, unless your existing system was not sized correctly to begin with.  And keep in mind that over-sized A/C systems are prone to grow mold!


This heating and air conditioning Q&A is courtesy of the Maynor Service Company.​

If you have any questions, please call them at 919-361-0993, email them at

Or visit their website at


The Regency Park Partnership is not affiliated with this company and does not make any endorsement in regard to the products and services that it may provide.  The sole purpose of this Q&A is to provide answers to typical questions about the goods and services that companies like this may typically offer.  You should always contact two or more providers of these  goods or services before choosing one.

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